Showing posts with label lemon for fair skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lemon for fair skin. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

How to Get Fair Skin Naturally!

Everyone wishes to look beautiful and people in Asian countries mainly crave for getting a fairer skin. For this, people usually try a lot of cosmetics however; the best way to make the complexion of the skin fairer is with the help of natural remedies. Natural ways help in making the skin fairer without causing any kind of side effects. 

Here are some of the best natural tips for getting fairer skin: 

Scrub Lemon 

If you scrub lemon juice on your face daily for around 15 minutes, it works as a wonderful way for making the complexion fairer. As lemon has excellent bleaching properties so, it also helps to a large extent in reducing the blemishes on the face and giving a even skin tone. 

Apply Potato Juice 

Potato juice also works as a natural bleaching agent. For applying potato juice on the face, you can .squeeze a teaspoon of potato juice in a bowl and apply it on your skin using a cotton ball. After leaving it on the face for around 10 minutes, you can wash it with cold water. If used regularly, this makes the skin fairer in tone. 

Use Tomato Pulp 

You can get pinkish glow on your skin by applying tomato pulp. Apart from making the skin fairer in complexion, it also works a wonderful remedy for oily skin. 

Apply Honey with Cinnamon 

You can apply a mixture of honey and cinnamon on your face to get fair skin. For making the mixture, you need to take half teaspoon of honey and add a pinch of cinnamon to it. For better results, you should keep the mixture on your face for around 15 minutes and then wash it with cold water. 

Apply Plain Curd 

As curd contains a good amount of zinc and lactic acid, it works as an effective home remedy for lightening the skin tone. It not only makes the skin fairer, but also makes it baby soft in touch. 

Apart from these remedies, coconut water is also a recommended natural remedy for getting flawless fair skin. All these remedies can be tried at home. If tried regularly, these would certainly give wonderful results without any kind of side effects on the skin.