Friday 15 March 2013

Improve Eyesight with Computer Games

Gone are the days when eye surgery, glasses or contact lenses were the only ways to improve contrast sensitivity. Playing action video games, involving the killing of opponents have come up as a new remedy for improving the eyesight and the contrast sensitivity as claimed by a new research study. Contrast sensitivity is important in situations like driving at night as it enables a person to notice the subtle changes of light and dark against a uniform background. It is one of the first and the most prominent aspects of vision which is affected by ageing and is generally found in individuals suffering from amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye.

The study published in Nature Neuroscience shows that action video games can improve players’ performance on contrast sensitivity tests as players have to react to unpredictable events occurring in the form of visual signals in the virtual world of the game. The researchers from Rochester University in New York, Goldschleger Eye Research Institute and Tel Aviv University in Israel also believe that their new findings clearly prove that contrast sensitivity function is affected not only by deterioration in the eye itself, but also in the signals coming from brain.

In their study, they drew comparison between the reactions of a group of seasoned gamers with a group of the same age people who did not play computer games often. They also performed an experiment in which small samples of non-gamers were asked to play intensively for 50 hours over nine weeks. The volunteers played either a fighting game, Unreal Tournament 2004, or a Shoot-Em-Up, Call of Duty 2, and the results were compared with another group who played more sedate games for the same time duration. Those playing action games showed improvement between 43 and 58 per cent in discerning contrasts, a rise not visible in the other group. Scientists are very optimistic and feel positive that action video-game training can one day be used as an alternative to eye-correction techniques and treat certain eye disorders such as amblyopia.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Best Treatments for Canker Sores

Canker sores are a type of small ulcers that are formed inside the mouth. These are usually open sores that can be shallow or deep. It is also possible to have one or more sores at a time. These sores grow in clusters.  

Here are some of the best treatment options for canker sores:

Medicines: Pain killers can be prescribed to you to reduce the pain in your mouth. It can be in the form of a gel, cream or even a mouthwash. Steroid medicine can be taken to reduce the swelling, redness and even pain. You can also take supplements in consultation with your doctor which help in treating the canker sores fast. 

Change in Food Habits: For treating canker sores, you should avoid taking dry, crunchy and salted foods which include popcorn, dry toast and chips as these aggravate the pain caused due to canker sores. You should also stop drinking foods and drinks which have citric acid such as orange juice, grapefruit, lemons and limes as these can worsen the pain or result in the formation of more sores. You should should eat plain and soft foods until the sore is healed. 

Take Proper Care of your Mouth: You should take proper care of your mouth by gently brushing your tongue and teeth every day by using a soft toothbrush. People having dentures should clean it on a regular basis.

Golden Seal Mouth Rinse: You should make use of a Golden seal mouth rinse which can be prepared by mixing one cup of warm water and one quarter teaspoon of salt with one half teaspoon of one capsule of golden seal powder. 

B-Complex Vitamin Supplement: Take a dose B-100 B complex vitamin supplement on a daily basis. You can also apply a tincture of propolis on the affected area. It is easily found in the health food stores. 

Alum Powder: You can also apply alum powder on the canker sores. It is easily available in the spice sections of the stores. In the beginning, you may feel a burning sensation, but the application of alum powder helps in healing the sores very fast. A piece of alum can also be directly placed on the affected areas to get immediate relief from the pain. It is recommended to use this treatment twice daily. 

Plum Juice: You can make use of plum juice as a mouth wash. Alternatively, you can immerse a cotton ball in plum juice and place it against the affected area for a few minutes. 

Salt Water: Salt Water is another medium for treating canker sores. This can be done by mixing a tablespoon of salt with warm water and rinsing your mouth several times throughout the day. You can also do gargling with salt water to get immediate relief. 

All the above mentioned treatments can work wonders in curing canker sores. However, if these remedies fail to help and the sores remain unhealed even after a week, you should immediately consult a doctor and take proper medication for the same.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Pregnancy Care Tips

Pregnancy brings countless, wonderful, and often unexpected, changes in our life. We need to use our personal pregnancy calendar to follow the baby’s development from conception to birth. We need to learn to be healthy during pregnancy and find out the changes in our own body.

Pregnancy is considered as a time of increased heat for the woman. Eating cold foods has a cooling effect that is beneficial during pregnancy. Cold foods include dairy products, vegetables and fruits that are not hot.

Ghee, butter and coconut oil are high in saturated fats and should be avoided for the health of the mother.

Almonds are very beneficial for pregnant women as a source of vitamin E and proteins. However, they do not effect the brain development of the fetus.

Turmeric is an excellent antibiotic, ant-inflammatory, and anti-ulcerative. It increases detoxifying enzymes in the liver, and may lower bad cholesterol level. Still it does not effect the skin pigmentation of the unborn.

The white latex in the unripe green papaya can cause miscarriage; however, there is nothing wrong with fully ripened papaya.

It is true that over eating causes very large fetus, causing complications during labor.

Walking is very good during pregnancy because it gets the blood flowing and a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes of walking per day helps a lot. When a woman comes back from walking, she can put her feet up so that she doesn’t get too much of blood pooling in her legs.

Fenugreek seeds help in increasing the production of breast milk.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Ensure Good Health With Healing Properties of Garlic

Now, the healing properties of garlic are not only heard from the mouth of people who believe in home remedies but it’s also supported by modern scientific research. The two main medicinal ingredients which provide the health benefits of garlic are allicin and diallyl sulphides.

As a sulphurous compound, garlic has a latent medicinal value. The organically produced garlic has a higher sulphur level which heightens the benefit to health.

Popular as the "stinking rose" treatment, it has been an integral part of the herbal medication since centuries. Also known to be a "wonder drug", it helps in preventing and curing common cold and flu. It acts as herbal treatment and helps the sufferers of high blood pressure and cholesterol levels in maintaining a balanced level.

The researches in modern science have also proved garlic to be a natural antibiotic which heals many diseases. Research on the benefits of garlic has shown that aged garlic has a powerful antioxidant effect which helps in protecting the body from damaging free radicals.

Garlic also proves to be useful in treating acne when taken in conjunction with other treatments. It is the best when taken with luke warm water every morning. It has the best blood cleansing properties. It’s always suggested to use crushed or chopped garlic in food as it helps in releasing the active compounds.

Modern medicinal research has also exposed the fact that garlic contains allicin which scavenges hydroxyl radicals (OH). This prevents LDLs, the dangerous form of cholesterol from being oxidised. Allicin also increases antioxidant enzymes atalase and glutathione peroxidase in the blood which helps against the damaging effects of nicotine. It slows down the aging process of the liver by inhibiting lipid peroxidation.

As per the scientific studies, Garlic contains 1% of the potency of penicillin which can kill a number of bacteria such as Listeria, Salmonella, E. coli, Cryptococcal meningitis, Candida albican and Staphylococcus. Even the clinical trials published in the Journal of Hypertension revealed that the blood pressure of the patients who participated in the experiment was reduced by 1 – 5% after taking garlic supplements. This small reduction can even reduce the chance of a stroke by 30-40% and heart disease by 20-25%

These are some of the health benefits of garlic which can do wonders to a human body if used properly.

Monday 11 March 2013

Best Treatment Options for Ovarian Tumors

Tumors can form in the ovaries, just like in any other part of the body. In most of the cases, it is very difficult for a surgeon to remove the entire tumor. However, there are chances of curing the ovarian tumor by the removal of all the manifestations even at the advanced stages of the disease. 

Treatment for ovarian tumors generally includes surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, but some people also try out various alternative treatments to combat tumors and alleviate pain. All the treatment options have been enumerated below. Take a look and decide what is best for you. 


Treatment usually begins with surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible. During surgery, a complete staging of the tumor is done and hysterectomy is performed. These surgeries include advanced technologies such as da Vinci S Surgical System with robotic capabilities and laparoscopy. 


Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill tumor cells. Typically doctors combine a platinum based drug with a taxane such as paclitaxel or docetaxel. 

There are two methods of administering drugs. One is intravenously that is through the vein and the other method is to administer drug directly into the abdominal cavity using a thin catheter or tube. 

Chemotherapy is done in cycles. In this, first drugs are given for a few weeks, which are then followed by periods of rest. Chemotherapy may also be done before surgery. This is mainly done to kill the tumor cells make removal of the tumor easier. 

Radiation Therapy 

Radiation therapy is frequently used in treating ovarian tumors or cancer. It may be done as a standalone treatment for early stage cancerous tumor or may be performed in conjunction with surgery and other treatments for advanced stages of ovarian tumors. 

Radiation therapy uses high energy X-rays or other types of radiation to kill cancerous tumors or inhibit their growth. It may be external, where a machine outside the body is used to send radiation towards the tumor. Radiation may also be internal, where a radioactive substance is sealed in catheters, needles or wires that are placed directly or near the tumor. The way the radiation therapy is given depends on the type and the stage of the tumor. 

Ayurvedic Treatment 

Many believe that Ayurvedic medicines made from cow urine and herbal extracts are effective for ovarian tumors. Studies have shown that ayurvedic cow urine therapy helps in restricting the growth of the tumor, kills cancer cells and improves immunity of the body. 

Flaxseed Diet 

A flaxseed enriched diet for a year has also proven to be beneficial. It has resulted in fewer late stage ovarian tumors and increased survival rates. 

However, there is no conclusive evidence that alternative therapy can treat ovarian tumors and thus cannot be recommended as the only means for fighting cancerous ovarian tumors. To protect against ovarian tumors, concentrate on removing the risk factors and see a doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms like abnormal vaginal bleeding, pain in lower abdomen or heavy feeling in the pelvis. 

Saturday 9 March 2013

Best Natural Treatments for Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcer are indeed very painful sores which are found in the mouth and is visible on the lips, tongue and even the gums or inside the cheeks. Mouth ulcers are white or yellow in color and usually heal in 7 to 10 days

Here is a brief description of some of the best treatment options for mouth ulcers: 

Coconut Milk

You can scrape fresh coconut and take out its milk and gargle with it 3-4 times a day. It is considered to be a very effective remedy for treating mouth ulcers.

Fenugreek Leaves

For this, you need to boil 2 cups of water and mix 1 cup fenugreek leaves and strain. Cover it and keep it aside for some time. After that, you can strain the water and gargle with it 2-3 times a day.

Coriander Seeds

You can also bring to boil l tsp of coriander seeds to 1 cup of water. Remove it when it becomes slightly warm and gargle for 3-4 times a day.

Tulsi Leaves

Chewing tulsi leaves in the morning in an empty stomach helps in curing mouth ulcers fast. It is one of the best natural remedies for treating mouth ulcers.

Raw Tomatoes

You can eat raw tomatoes to get rid of mouth ulcers. For fast cure, it’s recommended to gargle with tomato juice about three to four times a day.

Apply Glycerin and Turmeric Powder

For this, you need to mix a small amount of turmeric powder with one tablespoon of glycerin and apply it on the affected areas.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the best home remedies for many things including mouth ulcers. In order to use coconut oil to treat mouth ulcer simply rub some of the oil directly onto your users twice a day and you will be able to see a marked difference.

Avoid Hot Drinks and Spicy Foods

You should not drink hot liquids like coffee, tea and avoid taking oily and spicy food. You should go in for a diet which is rich in calcium and vitamin C. It can be easily found in foods such as milk, yogurt, cottage cheese and orange juice. You should also stop eating non-vegetarian foods as they tend to increase acidity in the body.

Other Treatment Options

Apart from this, it is suggested to keep your mouth clean and  drink plenty of fluids. You should regularly rinse your mouth with warm water with a pinch of salt added to it.

After using all the treatment options, if you find that your mouth ulcers are just not subsiding, you can purchase a topical relief on a doctor's prescription. Destressing, taking enough rest and intake of a healthy and nutritious diet also fastens up the healing process of mouth ulcers.

In case, the problem of mouth ulcers remains untreated even after using all the remedies mentioned above, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. You should wait for a maximum of seven days for the mouth ulcers to be cured, after that a doctor must be consulted to avoid any dangerous situation.

Remedies for Dry Skin

If you are experiencing dry skin, don’t fret as having a dry skin is common. Dry skin occurs during the winters when the air outside is cold and the heated air inside causes low humidity. Since the skin loses moisture, it also cracks and peels causing irritation.


Those you who have a dry skin should apply a moisturizer regularly throughout the year. The moisturizer is able to make your skin smoother and softer. In this way, it will crack  less. Body moisturizers are available in various forms such as creams, ointments, lotions and even oils. Consult a dermatologist before opting for a moisturizer. Besides this, if you have a very dry skin, you should prefer using a moisturizer which has lactic acid. These ingredients help the skin to retain water. All of these ingredients are available in prescription as well as without a prescription.


For an extremely dry skin, you should consult your dermatologist who will prescribe a medicine that you can apply to your skin. This medicine may contain orticosteroid or an immune modulator. These medicines are very effective in relieving itchiness, redness and swelling. You also have to use the moisturizer several times a day.

Use Warm Water for Bathing:

People suffering from dry skin problems must not make use of hot water for bathing or even for washing face. It is because hot water removes your natural skin oils fast. It is recommended to use luke warm water for bathing if you have dry skin.

Use a Mild Cleanser:

Soaps are likely to strip oils from the skin. Avoid using antibacterial and perfumed soaps, deodorant bars, hand sanitizers and other skin care items which have alcohol.  You should use a soap which is not only mild in use, but also free from any kind of fragrance.  People with dry skin are always suggested to use a soap which also moisturizes.

Reduce the time in the Bathtub or Shower:

Taking 5-10 minute bath or shower abets moisture to the skin. If you are a person who spends excessive time in water, it may make your skin dry and sometimes even flaky.

Apply Moisturizer after Shaving:

Boys are recommended to use a moisturizer immediately after shaving. It is ideal to shave immediately after a bath, when your hairs are soft. In order to minimize the irritating effects of shaving your legs or face,  you should make use of a gel or shaving cream. It should be left on your skin for about 3 minutes before shaving. You should also shave in the direction in which the hair grows. Remember to change your razor blades after every 5 to 7 shaves.

Use a Humidifier:

You should make use of a humidifier in your home which helps in keeping the air moist with a humidifier. This helps in getting rid of dry skin problems to a large extent.
By following these simple and easy steps, you can easily get rid of dry skin. However, in case of serious problems caused due to dry skin conditions, you should immediately consult a doctor.